
So much for attempting to write daily. My four day weekend happened and I was much too busy to blog about the things making me busy. I’m at work at the moment, with nothing to do. My last day at this temp job is tomorrow and honestly, I’m happy for the time off. More than anything, I value my freedom.

This past weekend FH and I drove three hours north, to my old college town, home of a former college roomate and dear friend. She has a daughter who is three weeks younger than my son. At some point driving up I looked over to FH and to my son napping in the back seat and said, “I love our life together.”

And I really do. We are so fortunate to have found each other. We are not the same people, by far. But we balance each other out, and we share a passion for living life. We don’t have the money to spend on lavish vacations but we are able to take small trips and to make the most of all that New York City has to offer.


Been also thinking about work. It wouldn’t be the worst thing to get another temporary gig. That way I could earn a bit, then have time off after it’s over. In doing so I can get exposure to other industries, which could be a step closer to figuring out what I want to do with myself. When I grow up.

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