Archive for the ‘Daily’ Category


So much for attempting to write daily. My four day weekend happened and I was much too busy to blog about the things making me busy. I’m at work at the moment, with nothing to do. My last day at this temp job is tomorrow and honestly, I’m happy for the time off. More than anything, I value my freedom.

This past weekend FH and I drove three hours north, to my old college town, home of a former college roomate and dear friend. She has a daughter who is three weeks younger than my son. At some point driving up I looked over to FH and to my son napping in the back seat and said, “I love our life together.”

And I really do. We are so fortunate to have found each other. We are not the same people, by far. But we balance each other out, and we share a passion for living life. We don’t have the money to spend on lavish vacations but we are able to take small trips and to make the most of all that New York City has to offer.


Been also thinking about work. It wouldn’t be the worst thing to get another temporary gig. That way I could earn a bit, then have time off after it’s over. In doing so I can get exposure to other industries, which could be a step closer to figuring out what I want to do with myself. When I grow up.

Figuring it all out

I’ve got another seven days at this job then I’m unemployed once more. And once more, I’m back to trying to figure out what it is that I want to do. For a career. My post-college career has been 100% accounting. And quite frankly, I hate it. I hate that it doesn’t mean anything bigger. I hate that all I do is stare at a computer all day and enter data into various programs.

But I can’t commit to anything else. It’s hard enough right now just finding a job. Finding something I’ll actually enjoy is nearly impossible. I’m back to thinking about the teaching thing again. I even went as far as looking up courses at a local college. Courses towards a degree in childhood education. It would be a second Bachelors. But of course I missed the application deadline (by months) and won’t be able to go until Spring 2011. Who knows what I’ll be up to then?

I also think about the state of the education system and I wonder if going back to school and getting this degree will be worth it. I probably won’t be able to find a teaching job anyway. Earlier this year I attended an information session for a teaching fellows program. If accepted, I would teach while taking classes towards a masters in education. It seemed like a perfect solution. Until I attended the information session and learned that a plethora of teachers were laid off last year. The program was only looking for individuals interested in teaching special education (the one area lacking teachers), and even if you were accepted and completed the summer intensive training, there was no guarantee of placement.

I’ve become disillusioned with the entire board of education. It’s bad enough that I will have to deal with this system once my baby starts attending school. I don’t think I can also work for a system that is so bureaucratic.

I don’t know. I’m trying to figure it out. Sometimes (actually, most times) I think that maybe if I moved elsewhere I’d be better off. The problem is that my FH’s career is rooted in NYC. The only way we’d be able to move would be if I found a job that could support us until he is able to build up a reputation and find new clients. Which is not an idea that’s terribly far-fetched. Now if only that dream job would make itself known.

Birthday/Mom-day weekend

Interview on Friday went very well. In fact, I’ve gone from not caring to hoping that I get an offer. It is a temp-to-perm position, which is the norm these days, at least in my world. Anyway, I won’t write too much about it, not yet at least. Fingers crossed!

The weekend was excellent. My Fake Husband’s birthday was on Saturday. He’s going to be known as FH, since we’re not legally married, but he’s more than a boyfriend or baby daddy. I planned a surprise wine tasting trip to Long Island wine country (We live in an outer-borough of NYC) followed by dinner and drinks at home. One of our friends in a Thai chef, and she offered to cook. In the end, we didn’t go on the trip, because of time constraints. But the party was a major success. The food was awesome, and FH had a great time celebrating his birthday with his closest friends.

On Sunday we drove over to FH’s brother’s house for brunch with his family. It was a relaxing day, which is exactly what I wanted after running around the day before getting everything ready for FH’s birthday dinner. And now it’s 12:30am and I have to be up at 6am. Good night!!

PS: My son officially started crawling today! (He’s seven months.) Best mother’s day present ever!