Archive for the ‘Travels’ Category

Back in the USSA

S and I came back to NY this weekend and have both been really sick. S has it the worse since he’s got body aches. He slept all day yesterday. Thankfully, Z hasn’t caught it (yet.) I’d really hate for this first bout of sickness to be this horrible virus we brought back from Thailand. S has been staying away from him and I’ve been trying to have as little contact with him as possible. Luckily he’s ok playing on the playmat by himself. Been washing my hands a lot. I’m breastfeeding, and hopefully the immunities will help stave off the virus.

His week with my mom and dad went very well. We were able to use Skype to video conference with them a few times, and that was great. It’s amazing to me that a phone call from the US to Thailand costs more than video conferencing (free w/ our hotel’s wifi connection.) Z is now sitting up all by himself, and is getting on his hands and knees. He’s still wobbly and not really moving yet but it’s definitely a milestone!

Thailand was damn awesome. I’ll write more about my trip when my head isn’t so foggy.