Summer in the City

I’m working until July 15th. Then I’m not.

I’ve already started making a mental list of all the things I’ll be able to do with myself now that my presence won’t be required in Midtown East. First on the list is a bunch of career/academic related stuff, for life post-belly.

Then there’s New York in the summer. I spent last year’s summer in India, and while that experience was amazing, I’m looking forward to being in my city with all the time in the world.

We are also making a trip to Georgia at the end of July to visit S’s cousin. I’ll be 30 weeks at that point. I’m a little worried though, because I have been hearing not so good things about the airline we are flying. A fellow blogger complained about her AirTran experience, and I’ve been reading even worse reviews online. I guess that’s the hidden cost of dirt cheap tickets.

Then there’s, of course, preparation for baby Z. The list of crap we will need grows daily. Oy.

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